LOFcare® Cleaning Cloth Recycling
LOFcare® Cleaning Cloth Recycling for use with incontinence

The advantages of LOFcare® Cleaning Cloths
- soft
- highly absorbent
- made of environmentally friendly recycled quality
- unbleached
- natural coloured
Detailed information
Art Nr. | Shape | Type | g/qm | Size (cm) | Capacity/unit | Unit/pallet |
1410010 | Cleaning cloth Use e.g. incontinence | 4-ply Recycling | 4x22 | 30x39 | 20 pack à 50 pcs.. = 1.000 pcs.. | 20 |

good absorbent


low linting


- Rechter Arm und Achselhöhle
- Linker Arm und Achselhöhle
- Unterkörper vorne
- Rechtes Bein und Fuß
- Linkes Bein und Fuß
- Rücken
- Rechter Arm und Achselhöhle
- Linker Arm und Achselhöhle
- Unterkörper vorne
- Rechtes Bein und Fuß
- Linkes Bein und Fuß
- Rücken
Area of application
Applications with low requirements, especially in the laboratory, care and health sectors.