+49(0)421-38650-0 info@loftex.de


We look forward to your visit at the following events:

RETTmobil International, Fulda, 15.-17.05.2024

Pflegekongress, Bremen, 15.-17.05.2024

Feria especializada: 09-12 Julio en Bogota Colombia

Feria especializada

Sector salud

Manufacturing, development and distribution

of cleaning, care and sanitary products

MEDCARE: Leipzig, 03.-04.09.2024.

MEDICA: Düsseldorf, 11.-14.11.2024

Contact Us!

11 + 2 =

Loftex GmbH

Manufacturing, development and distribution of cleaning, care and sanitary products
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 16
28237 Bremen
Phone: +49(0)421-38650-0
Fax: +49(0)421-38650-99
E-mail: info(at)loftex.de